Celebrate Black History

This month our country celebrates Black History Month – a month we honor historical and contemporary African American people to commemorate their importance to this country’s past and future.

“A people without knowledge of their history, is like a tree without roots.” – Marcus Garvey

Below are some resources for you to continue conversations around Black History in your home.

Kids Explain Black History Month

Who Inspires You? Kids share contemporary African American’s that inspire them.

The New York Public Library: Below is a list of wonderful online – digital resources like artwork, historical documents, timelines and much more.  For example, the Treasures of NYPL includes a series of beautiful murals by Aaron Douglas.

Articles and Information:

  • Black History and Beyond (3-5th grade): Here is a selection of articles from Newsela.  Newsela is a great resource for kids and parents because they offer current, relevant, and interesting news for kids.  It’s also wonderful because you can adjust the reading level based on your child’s grade.
  • Biography.com: Biography.com has created a collection of biographies of African Americans that have made a profound impact on our world. Click here to see the collection.
  • History Channel: The History Channel has a collection of historical African American people and events here.
  • African American Inventors (K-5): Potato chips, traffic lights, hinged mailboxes, blood banks, the multiplex telegraph – all these these things were invented by African Americans.  African American inventors have made enormous contributions to society. Click here to learn more from Scholastic.

Conversation Starters: 


  • The New York Historical Society has two online exhibits about slavery and the Civil War. You can view them here.
  • The Queens Botanical Garden is holding an event on February 20th (during mid winter break )in honor of Dr. George Washington Carver. Here is their write up, “Called the “Wizard of Tuskegee,” Dr. George Washington Carver made significant contributions in the field of botany. Learn how plants played a very important role in his early life and later achievements. Students will follow in Dr. Carver’s steps, using plants to paint and to create a healing lotion to take home. Registration required.” To learn more click here!

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