4th Grade Science, It’s Electric!

4th graders are beginning their study of Circuits and Electricity! You can explore these cool topics at home by checking out the resources and playing the games on this link.

Changing of the Guard – Inauguration Resources

No matter our political beliefs, a Presidential Inauguration is an important part of American government. The National Book and Literacy Alliance has a wonderful Inauguration Kit, to help you teach our children about our government, our traditions, and our history. The goal of this kit is to, “engage kids in informed discussions about the presidency and American government, teach them to think critically, and energize them to learn more about the political process in America—using the presidency and inauguration as the focus.

This Kit includes:

They have created an interactive digital copy and a printable pdf resources. 

Love All, Accept All

When I was in 2nd grade, I picked up a book that would shape me as a reader and as a person. “I Have a Dream,” by Margaret Davidson not only ignited my passion for nonfiction, but taught me about my very first and greatest historical hero – I still have my tattered copy to this day.51mVGftIXML._SX347_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

Every January, I listen to Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech to stay in touch with our country’s past – with our history. I listen to marvel at his ability to communicate arguably one of the most delicate and complicated messages of our time with love and strength.

As we prepare for our coveted 3 day weekend, I think it is critical to note WHY we are having an extra day off.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?'” Instead of looking at Monday as a “day off,” let’s look at it as a,”day on.” Let’s use Dr. Martin Luther King’s Holiday to serve our neighbors and communities. Remember,” Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. You only need a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love.”

Here are some resources to check out:


There as so many options but here are a smattering. Click the images to be taken to the books. 

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Listen to the great LeVar Burton read, A Picture Book of Martin Luther King Jr., below 


Children’s Museum of Manhattan: Events Saturday, Sunday, and Monday – SIGN UP IS NECESSARY!

  • Historic Heroines: Coretta Scott King
    Create a children’s book in honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his wife Coretta Scott King. Learn about The Coretta Scott King Book Award, given out to outstanding African-American writers and illustrators of children’s literature.
    Monday January 19th, 2015| 10:30am & 12:00pm |5 & Older | Sign-up*
  • Martin’s Mosaic
    Honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by creating a mosaic of his portrait.
    Monday January 19th, 2015| 10:45am – 11:30pm & 12:15pm – 1:45pm| 4 & Younger | Drop-in
  • Community Tile Design with Mugi pottery studio
    Celebrate MLK day with a day of service! Help CMOM and local Upper West Side neighbor, Mugi Pottery studio, design fun and educational ceramic tiles to decorate CMOM’s outreach partner locations.
    Monday January 19th, 2015| 2-4:45pm | 5 & Older| Sign up*
    *Due to limited space, this programs requires you to sign-up for entry. Sign-up  in the lobby one hour before the event.*

BAM – Brooklyn Art Museum

NJPAC – Jersey Really isn’t that far


The Speech: Here is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s, “I Have a Dream Speech,” in its entirety, obviously be mindful of the language but 10:44 is a good place to start listening…it is arguably the most famous section of his speech.


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  • Write a kind note to someone.
  • Bring some baked goods to a nursing home.
  • Donate clothing to a shelter.
  • Call your grandparents.