Unit 4: Collect, Count, and Measure


Online Games (Websites & Apps):


Games & Activities:

  • Choose a teen number, write it down and then show it as a group of ten and some further ones via drawing or objects



Games & Activities:

  • Count out groups of objects (toy cars, legos . . .)  between 10-20.  Then write out the teen number that represents each group.  
  • Make paper chains for numbers 10-19.  Use one color for the first 10 and then a separate color for the additional ones.
  • Make a pack of teen number cards (10-19).  Spread them out and then take turns with your child selecting a card and explaining the number in terms of tens and ones.  
  • Try to count the say-ten way.  (“Ten one, ten two, ten three . . . )
  • Roll and Cover Game 


  • Make a pretend bakery.  Draw & cut out 19 cookies.  Place 10 in a bag and have the other 9 loose.  Have “customers” visit the bakery to buy 11-19 cookies.  Have your child count out the cookies as a group of 10 and some further ones.
  • Compose teen numbers using materials around the house (For example:  A piece of dried spaghetti or twizzler as the ten and dried beans  or popcorn as the ones.


Online Games (Websites & Apps):

Games & Activities:

  • Roll two dice to make a two-digit number.  Then break that number into tens and one.  Draw to show. (Ex:  36– 3 tens and 6 ones)
  • Compose numbers greater than 19 using materials around the house (For example:  pieces of dried spaghetti or twizzlers as the ten and dried beans or popcorn as the ones)
