Unit 6: Meeting the Characters and Learning Lessons


1.Read aloud a book to a family member in your best story teller voice or have a family member read a book to you. Talk about:
“What has happened in the story so far?” Then make a prediction about what you think is going to happen next. Keep reading to check if your prediction is correct or to see if you need to revise your prediction.

2.Pick one of your favorite books and perform a readers theater. Read the book as you pretend you are the character. Think about the character’s voice, feelings, gestures and actions. You can even make/use props and a costume for your “performance.”

3.Reread aloud your book to a family member. Or have a family member read a book to you. Stop at the big important parts to grow an idea about one of the main characters. What is the character like as a person? (character traits, behavior patterns, character feelings).

4.Read a story to a family member or have a family member read a book to you. At the end, think, “What is the life lesson my character learned?” Talk with a family member about how you can use what you learned in your everyday life.

5.Rainbow Words: Practice writing your 5 of your sight words 5 times each using a different color crayon/marker each time you write it.

6.Sight Word Hunt: Try to find your sight words in one of your independent reading books.


1.Take a sneak peek- Look at the cover, read the title, read the blurb, read the chapter titles/peek at the pictures and think, “Where does this book take place?” “What might this book be about?”

2.Stop and think, “What has happened in the story so far?” Then, jot down your prediction about what you think is going to happen next. Keep reading to check if your prediction is correct or to see if you need to revise your prediction.

3.After you finish your book, go back and mark the parts you think are the MOST important (beginning, middle, end, main characters, problem, solution) and then you can retell your story to a family member or friend.

4.Reread your story and stop at the big important parts to grow an idea about one of the main characters. What is the character like as a person? (character traits, behavior patterns, character feelings)

5.Reread your book to sound like a story teller. Match your voice to the character who is talking and their feelings. Make your voice smooth and match it to the punctuation.

6.At the end of your story, think, “What is the life lesson my character learned?” Then think about how this lesson relates to your life. Go and teach someone about the life lesson.