Unit 7: Crafting Stories



  • Create a character.  Write a few stories where the character faces and solves different problems.  Turn it into your own series.

Games & Activities:

  • Keep a notebook with you.  Bring it places you go.  Jot story ideas you come across throughout your day.  Now, write some of those stories!
  • Think of the parts of your day.  Pick an interesting part and write what happened first, next and last.
  • Think about one of the fiction stories you told your family.  Now write it down.
  • Good stories have problems!  Write stories about a problem you had and how you solved it.
  • Think about a fiction character you would like to write about.  Draw a picture of what they look like, different places they might go, friends they might have, etc.
  • Make the characters in your story talk.  Add speech bubbles.
  • Reread your story.  Make sure it makes sense and says exactly what you want it to say.  (Make sure you didn’t leave out any words!)
  • Go through a story you wrote and make sure all the sight words you wrote are spelled correctly.
  • Sight Word Hunt: Search print such as books, newspapers, and magazines around your home and find your sight words!  You can even do this on the train!  Look at ads and find sight words you know.

Practice writing your sight words.

  • Rainbow Write: Write each letter in a different color marker, crayon, or colored pencil.
  • Use watercolors or finger paint!
  • Use materials, such as pasta or beans to write out your sight words.
  • Make your own Word Wall. Using a flashlight, shine light onto a word and read it.


  • Watch a video of Mo Willems talking about his writing process.  Can this help you with your writing or drawing or getting ideas for writing?

Online Games (Websites & Apps):

  • Sock Puppet-Use this to make up your own stories (free)
  • Shadow Puppet EDU (free)



  • Think of the parts of your day.  Tell the story together of the interesting part and say what happened first, next and last.
  • Keep a notebook with you.  Bring it places you go.  Jot story ideas you come across throughout your day.  Now, tell some of those stories together!
  • Make up a story together.  Take turns telling it part by part.
  • Sight Word Hunt: Search print such as books, newspapers, and magazines around your home and find your sight words!  You can even do this on the train!  Look at ads and find sight words you know.